Wednesday, 11 December 2019

GENIALLY: motivated tool for students

GENIALLY is a wonderful application to call students´ attention. They usually employ powerpoints for their presentations, so that the introduction of this tool will increase their technological scope.

The topic to develop in this task is music. Teenagers love singing and listening different kinds of music, mainly in Youtube, so that they will be very motivated.

This activity will be carried out in groups of 3 / 4 people. All of them must share the music style they are going to develop in this project.
As far as timing is concerned, it will de developed in 4 sessions.
- In the 1st session the teacher will project a text on the digital board about different types of music. It will be read and translated aloud in turns . Later on, students will propose some examples of singers or music groups who represent each style. To finish with, some extracts of songs will be heard and students will haave to identify their style.
- The 2nd and the 3rd session will be devoted to the execution of the project. Students will look for information about the style they have chosen on the Internet and later on, they will plan the structure of their work. They will be helped by the teacher as much as they need.
- In the 4th session students will expose their project . The other classmates will have to listen carefully and prepare some questions to be asked once they finish their oral presentation. A final mark will be given to every group by every student of the class


- To practice speaKing
- To improve presentation skill
- To encourage interactive listening
- To promote cooperation

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